One year ago today, the OSSM family lost one of our own when former professor Jon Campbell passed away.
Professor Campbell was very special to OSSM and its early alums and is greatly missed by many. As the school’s first computer science instructor, he built the school’s original computer system in 1990 which, as one alumnus noted, was a real challenge considering OSSM was setting out to provide high level education for “budding computer scientists” back when the Internet was brand new. Still in his 20s then himself, Professor Campbell had an innate talent for combining high quality teaching and professionalism with warmth and kindness which students appreciated. He is very well remembered and missed by many and will always be an important part of the transformative educational experience many students received at OSSM in its early years.
To honor Professor Cambell’s love for our school and students, his family made a very generous gift to endow an annual computer science prize in his memory. Beginning this year, the Professor Jon Campbell Memorial Computer Science Prize will be awarded at the end of each school year to an OSSM student doing outstanding work in computer science.
Many thanks to the Campbell Family for this beautiful legacy investment that will benefit the lives of OSSM students for years to come in a way that Jon Campbell would dearly love.