OSSM Fine Arts Program

Sponsored for the 2023/2024 School Year by the Kirkpatrick Foundation, the Oklahoma Arts Council, and Mr. Ken Fergeson
Directed by Dr. Kelly Chaves
A visual and performing arts program designed to instill and promote an appreciation of the arts in OSSM students, including classes in specialized areas of art, music, theatre, photography and dance. (See more)

Summer Science (Teachers) Institute

Sponsored by Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Phillips 66 and Mr. Rob Miner
Directed by Dr. Mark Li
The OSSM Summer Science Institute is a high quality week-long residential professional development program for middle school science teachers from all over Oklahoma. (See more)

Summer Math (Teachers) Institute

Sponsored by Sarkeys Foundation
Directed by Professor Sara Marie Bodenstein
The Sarkeys Summer Math Institute at OSSM is a high quality week-long residential professional development program for middle school math teachers from all over Oklahoma. (see more)

Summer Middle School Math & Science Workshops

Sponsored by The Williams Companies and the Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission
Directed by Coach Dan Vossen
Free OSSM Summer One-Day Math Workshops offer middle school students an excellent foundation to master state standards, strengthening skills in general math, pre-algebra, Algebra I, geometry, and Algebra II, as well as contest math. OSSM Science Days introduce high school students to a wide range of STEM careers through presentations from visiting experts. (See more & Register Here)

Investigative Research Scholars Program (IRSP)
Directed by Dr. Amy Roberson
An intensive, three-week summer program designed for OSSM rising seniors who are selected by OSSM faculty to conduct ongoing research with scientists, engineers, doctors and professors. (See more about this endowed program)