Parents Association of OSSM

BackpacksThe Parents Association of the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics (OSSM pronounced AWESOME) is affectionately known as PAOSSM (pronounced Possum).  PAOSSM exists to serve the mission of OSSM and its current students.  PAOSSM supports OSSM by paying for items that our beloved state supported school is unable to fund.  We ask each family fortunate enough to have a student at OSSM to devote resources (time, talent and treasure) to the school to enrich the lives of all of the students. PAOSSM makes a difference!

Thank you to each of our parents for the vision and courage it took for you to send your child to OSSM — to live here, to work harder than they ever imagined they could work here, and to go in heretofore unknown directions when they finish here.  No OSSM student could make it without the love and support our parents bring at so many points along their OSSM journey.

OSSM parents do a great deal to enrich students’ experience at OSSM–their own child’s as well as all others’.  Parents provide items that were forgotten, items students’ didn’t know they needed, rides, snacks, a regular range of activities small and large that typically include an off-campus dress-up performance each semester, an evening party each semester, and of course a prom.  There are many ways to get involved and many other excellent parents to get to know.

Join us! Questions?  Email and see more at

Thank you!