Faculty Fund

rahman labThe Faculty Fund (previously known as “Bridge Fund”) has been established to supplement faculty salaries in the short term through annual merit-based stipends until the goal for the Faculty Endowment is reached, as well as to provide for professional development and other faculty-related needs as recommended by the OSSM President and approved by the OSSM Foundation Executive Committee.

These stipends are critical to help OSSM retain the highest quality faculty for this school that is an economic engine for Oklahoma.  OSSM is an extremely effective educational model strengthening Oklahoma’s students, STEM resources and economy with each graduating class.  One of only 16 similar schools in the country and unique in Oklahoma, OSSM develops high school juniors’ and seniors’ innate science and math talents far beyond the traditional high school model.  Rigorous college-level curriculum taught by a largely PhD faculty includes a wide variety of advanced offerings in mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics and computer science, as well as in history, literature and languages. Required physical education and fine arts classes also encourage all students’ health and wellness and development of chosen creative pursuits.

Ninety-one percent (91%) of the teaching faculty at OSSM’s main residential campus holds a doctorate in the discipline they teach.  Faculty members tutor students in evening study halls, mentor seniors’ individual research projects and many provide stability, discipline and support as dorm parents.  These remarkable men and women are the key to OSSM students’ success.

Please designate your gift for “Faculty Fund” to help retain OSSM’s awesome faculty for the coming year.